Now I can finally join the full-time workforce and start earning an income again. My credit cards are just begging to be paid down, and they certainly will be over the next couple of months. Once I get that out of the way, it will be time to start looking at a new car. Then (*shudder*) my consolidated student loan will start coming in.
The great part about this is that there are no more tests. No longer do I have to go through the cycle of starting a semester, working through the semester, cramming for finals and then suffering through the finals weeks to come back down to an extended time off. Personally, I'd rather have a stable work environment where I'm going to the office 8-5, coming home knowing I've left everything at the office and I can just relax. Then, when I want time off, I can take vacation time when I want and actually have the money to do something interesting during that time off instead of sitting at home and playing on the XBox.
Now I truly feel like an adult.