Sunday, July 24, 2005

Studying for the bar ... at the bar.

Yeah, so usually it might not be a good idea to study for a very important exam while drinking beer. In my experience, however, I find that if one drinks quite a bit of coffee while studying (as I have done at Kaveh Kanes in downtown today), then you really need to off-set the jitters resulting from the caffine.

In this case, I'm working practice MBE questions with Bar/Bri's StudySmart software on my laptop at the Flying Saucer (also in downtown) while sipping on a much needed Saint Arnold's Amber Ale. Signs of a problem to some? Yeah, probably. A proven method of studying for any task? 8 years of higher education tend to support this theory.

I figure it's better than taking up smoking again, much as I did while writing my thesis in undergrad. Plus, beer tastes much better than cigarette smoke.

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