Sunday, May 01, 2005

Casey: Death of Texas Campaign Finance Reform Sure to Ignite Perry/Hutchison Primary

Rick Casey has an excellent article available online, presumably for the Sunday edition of the Houston Chronicle, covering the impact of the death of a bill intended to bar "secret corporate money from being used in the last days of an election to attack one candidate or praise another."

Casey does a great job highlighting the campaign staff for both Perry and Hutchison and their ties to prior campaigns using tactics similar to what this bill would have banned. His guess is that the death of this bill means that these tactics will be in full bloom in the days running up to the GOP primaries.

I for one will be greatly interested in how that primary turns out. Of course, whoever comes out of that bloodbath will have former U.S. Representative Chris Bell and Kinky Friedman ("why the hell not?") to contend with.

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